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The Battle Royale is still in concept. Please check back later or visit our forum for more information.
"The Battle Royale is a test of tactical knowledge, duelling and crafting skills, ressource management, and teamwork."

A team consists of a Knight (dexer) and two Squires (crafters).
The teams arrive with nothing but a robe (ressources will be provided).
Two teams are drawn and the teams step forward and greet eachother and the Knights announce their combat skills (e.g. swordsman, archer/mage etc.).
Upon a sign the teams go to their corners and have a certain preparation time to decide what to make and in what priority given the skills of the Knight and his opponent. The ressources will be limited and so will the time so it is important to delegate optimally.
When the time is up (wall is casted) both Knights step into the arena and flag.
At the next sign (when wall disappears) the two Knights may start to fight.
Duelling rules follow the Anceint Oak Battle Royale RoD.

What may the teams bring/use
The fee on a check (don't know about this one if it is a challenge???)
All ressources and tools will be provided.

Tools and Ressources pr. round   Preparation time pr. round
smith's hammer
sewing kit
mortar and pestle
fletcher's tools
scribe's pen
joining plane
10 empty bottles
10 empty scrolls
25 of each reagent
75 ingots
75 leather pieces
25 cloth pieces
50 boards
25 feathers
1 arcane gem
  First round
Second round
Third and later rounds
4 minutes
3 minutes
2 minutes

The Ancient Oak Battle Royale Rules of Duelling (RoD)

1. Only the Knights may duel and only inside the arena.
2. No precasted spells, para spell, mana drain/vampire spell.
3. No pets.
4. Free amount of reagents, potions and bandages - provided it comes from the distributed ressources.
5. If the duel last longer than 7 min then no healing (no in mani, in vas mani, bandages)
6. No animals are allowed in the townhall.

The Ancient Oak Rules of Conduct (RoC)

1. Don't bring horses or other mounts to the tower. Any pets found in the tower will be Ejected.
2. Don't use rude language that might offend others, or constantly spam the same text all through the competition. Show respect to the competitors, regardless of whether they win or lose.
3. Please speak English (if you need to have lenghtly conversations in another language you can make a party)
4. Don't cast spells or fight outside the arena - it disturbs the duellists and the organisers who have to keep an eye out for real attackers.
5. Don't complain about the event in game - please post constructive critisism and/or ideas in our forum.
6. If any griefers causes trouble STAY in the tower - do not go outside and chase them, that is what they want. Besides it is hard to see who is the griefers and who is not and you are therefore likely to be marked as one of them if you go outside and fight.

Failure to adhere to the above Rules of Conduct will result in one warning. Failure to comply with this warning, immediately, will result in a ban from the tower. Warnings and bannings may be discussed after the tournament has finished.